Click the grade level links on the right for your student's weekly assignment agenda. |
Important Information
Cell Phone Policy
SMS is an "Away for the Day" school, meaning no access to phones, wireless earbuds, and smartwatches during our school day. Electronic devices, including cell phones, may be brought to school and used before or after school to communicate with parents.
Cell phones must be turned off and left in the student’s locker from 7:40 AM until 3:10 PM. Sick students should visit the nurse, not call home. (The nurse will call home if necessary.) Certain devices may be used in the classroom for educational purposes while under the supervision of a teacher.
- 1st Offense: After-school detention on the following Tuesday or Thursday (whichever comes first.) Also, for 7 days, phone/earbuds/smartwatches must be turned in to the front office each morning. Students can claim the item at the end of the school day.
- 2nd Offense: After-school detention on the following Tuesday or Thursday (whichever comes first.) Also, for 14 days, phone/earbuds/smartwatches must be turned in to the front office each morning. Students can claim the item at the end of the school day.
- 3rd Offense: After-school detention on the following Tuesday or Thursday (whichever comes first.) Also, for 30 DAYS, phone/earbuds/smartwatches must be turned in to the front office each morning. Students can claim the item at the end of the school day.
- Offenses of more than three will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Students will begin serving ISS.
- Violation and refusal to give school employees the electronic device will result in additional punishment and no less than one day of in-school suspension.
Disclaimer: Students will be given more serious consequences for inappropriate uses: the inappropriate taking of pictures or videos, texting or messages, any use to threaten anyone or anything at SMS, or any major violation of our district’s acceptable use policy. Any acts which are not covered by these regulations and which are of such a nature as to pose a threat to the physical or mental welfare of students, teachers, or other school personnel or which create a disruption in the orderly operation of any phase of the school program may result in suspension or expulsion. The school will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items. Texting parents or others from the school without permission is a violation. We ask for your support to teach our students that being present at the moment without distractions from these items is extremely important!
Early Dismissal
Class time is valued and we strive to interrupt class periods as little as possible.
When your child requires early dismissal, on the day of dismissal, send a signed, handwritten NOTE to school with your child that includes date and dismissal time.
- When your child arrives at school, he/she should bring the note to Mrs. Kilyanek’s (Mrs. K) room and she will mark your child’s agenda with the dismissal time.
- At dismissal time, your child will meet you in our front office - please sign your child out on the front office computer.
- If your child must leave early and has not brought in a note, we will call your child to the office during the next class change. You are welcome to wait in our front office lobby.
- We realize emergencies happen - if you have one and must interrupt class time, we will ask that you first speak with an administrator.
- Students will not be dismissed after 2:40 PM. They must wait for the 3:10 dismissal bell.
Rising 6th Grade
- Our school hours are 8:05 AM– 3:10 PM. The first bell rings at 8:05 AM to notify students to report to class. Students not in classroom seats by 8:10 are considered tardy. Student supervision begins at 7:40 AM; car riders may be dropped off after that time. If you arrive at school by car after 8:05 AM, you must accompany your child into the office.
- Early dismissal procedure: When you know in advance that your child must be dismissed early, ON THAT DAY, SEND A NOTE to school with your child that includes the dismissal time. When your child arrives at school, he/she should bring the note to Mrs. Kilyanek’s (Ms. K) room and she will mark your child’s agenda with the dismissal time. Your child will meet you in our front office at dismissal time - please sign your child out on the front office computer while you are waiting. If your child needs to leave early and has not brought in a note, be prepared to wait in the front office until the change of class periods. There will be no early dismissals after 2:40 PM.
- Our school website is kept current and morning announcements are published on it daily. You can also register on “” for updates about school and district activities.
- Students should bring their school supplies to school ON the first day of class (not before).
- 6th graders will use a lock that is provided by the school - there is a $5 lock rental fee charged to each student.
- Most student fees (including lunch fees) can be paid online through our website or any FMSD website. Look for the “$ Pay Fees” tab at the top of the website to create your permanent account. If you have already registered, your account login remains the same as in previous years.
- Cell phones must be kept in lockers. They are not used during the school day.
- Report cards are published on Powerschool at the end of each nine week quarter. You may also review your child’s performance at any time using our “Parent Portal” website which is kept current to within two weeks. Sign up instructions are available in our office. If you registered in prior years, your account login remains the same.
- When a student is absent, a parent or a medical note should be submitted to his/her homeroom teacher or provided to our front office within one week. Five days per school year may be excused with a parent note.
- Sixth grade students take two related arts classes each day. If not participating in Band, your child will rotate through most of our available related arts classes during the school year. If your student chooses to participate in Band (a full year course,) he/she will take one semester (two quarters) of P.E. and two quarters of our other available related arts classes. Band participants must participate in band for at least one full semester.
- Students are provided with an agenda that contains a student handbook This handbook is a comprehensive list of our policies and procedures. We ask that you and your child review it together. All of our school rules are consistently enforced.
- Students who feel ill enough to go home must see the nurse to contact home.
- Students may not ride a different bus to go home with a friend, except in rare cases as a babysitter request and then only with advance approval from the transportation department.
- Please pick up your child from all extra-curricular school events on time.
- 6th graders are not able to participate in sports. Students may participate in sports in 7th and 8th grade. You will find more information on The SC High School League governs our sports programs.
- To minimize classroom interruptions, we do not call students from class to retrieve dropped off items. If a student is expecting an item, he/she may check the front office between classes for it. We will page a child at the end of the school day to retrieve an item.
- We have a fantastic PTO and a Booster Club. More information can be found on our website.
- Dress code can be found below.
- Lost and Found items are donated to Goodwill in Fort Mill at the end of each month if we can’t return it. If you put your child’s name on clothing, lunchboxes, etc. it will be returned to your child! Please have your student check the stage in the gym for any items they may bbe missing.
We are going to have a great year!
Fort Mill School Board Policy: JICA Student Dress/Uniforms
Issued 1/20 Purpose: Adopted prior to 1975; Revised 3/6/86, 6/21/99, 1/21/14, 5/16/17, 1/21/20
Purpose: To establish the basic structure for determining appropriate dress standards for students.
Although the responsibility for the dress and appearance of students rests with each student and his/her parent/legal guardian, students are expected to show pride in themselves and their schools by having their dress and appearance in accordance with good acceptable standards. The school administration and board discourage extreme styles of dress and grooming.
- Students will dress in appropriate attire. Students are expected to dress in clothing that abides the district dress code policy. Logos or clothing that promotes alcohol, drugs, tobacco, racism, hate, gang affiliation, nudity, violence or profanity is not allowed. No clothing or accessories are allowed to disrupt the educational process. The administration reserves the right to determine what is appropriate for school.
- Dress code violations will be handled with dignity, discretion and respect toward all students by school staff members throughout the district.
- The school board may establish such administrative rules and procedures as necessary to enforce this policy.
In addition, the Springfield Middle School Dress Code guidelines are:
- Proper shoes must be worn at all times for safety reasons. Shoes with cleats may not be worn outside of sanctioned athletic events.
- Students may wear shorts, dresses, skirts, etc. whose length is no shorter than the mid-thigh. Tops must be long enough that they can be tucked into pants or shorts. No headwear (hats, caps, hoods, etc.) or sunglasses may be worn in the building by students upon arrival and until dismissal.
- The following items are not appropriate for school: undergarments that are visible, pants or jeans with holes, tears, or tattered to the extent that skin or undergarments are visible above the mid-thigh, see-through garments showing skin or undergarments above the mid-thigh, and tops with straps that are less than 3-fingers wide.
- If there is a disagreement between students and/or parents/legal guardians and the staff regarding the appropriateness of clothing, the administration will use discretion to make the decision. Disciplinary action regarding the enforcement of this policy is listed below.
- Violations will result in the following:
- if violation can be resolved in a timely manner, student will remain/return to class without further disciplinary action
- if there are three (3) unresolved offenses/violations, all subsequent violations will require parent conference and detention
- In all offense levels, if the article of clothing promotes extreme offenses such as acts of violence, profanity, nudity, hate-filled language, or other conditions presenting a potential disruption to the learning environment, then the student may be sent to ISS until suitable clothing is brought to the school.
7th and 8th Grade
Welcome to Springfield Middle School – we are happy you are here and look forward to getting to know your child and preparing him/her for high school and beyond. Here is some information to get your family off to a good start:
- Our school hours are 8:05 AM– 3:10 PM. The first bell rings at 8:05 AM to notify students to report to class. Students not in classroom seats by 8:10 are considered tardy. Student supervision begins at 7:40 AM; car riders may be dropped off after that time. If you arrive at school by car after 8:05 AM, you must accompany your child into the office.
- Early dismissal procedure: When you know in advance that your child must be dismissed early, ON THAT DAY, SEND A NOTE to school with your child that includes the dismissal time. When your child arrives at school, he/she should bring the note to Mrs. Kilyanek’s (Ms. K) room and she will mark your child’s agenda with the dismissal time. Your child will meet you in our front office at dismissal time - please sign your child out on the front office computer while you are waiting. If your child needs to leave early and has not brought in a note, be prepared to wait in the front office until the change of class periods. There will be no early dismissals after 2:40 PM.
- Our school website is kept current and morning and afternoon announcements are published on it daily. You can also register on “” for updates about school and district activities.
- Students should bring their school supplies to school ON the first day of class (not before).
- Students will use a lock that is provided by the school - there is a $5 lock rental fee charged to each student.
- Most student fees (including lunch fees) can be paid online through our website or any FMSD website. Look for the “$ Pay Fees” tab near the top right corner of the website to create your permanent account. If you have already registered, your account login remains the same as in previous years.
- Cell phones must be kept in lockers. They are not used during the school day.
- Report cards are published on Powerschool at the end of each nine week quarter. You may also review your child’s performance at any time using our “Parent Portal” website, which is kept current to within two weeks. Sign up instructions are available in our office. If you registered in prior years, your account login has not changed.
- When a student is absent, a parent or a medical note should be submitted to his/her homeroom teacher or provided to our front office within one week. Five days per school year may be excused with a parent note.
- Seventh and eighth graders take two related arts classes each day. Each related arts class is 18 weeks long (one semester), except for Band and 8th grade Honors Chorus, which is taught both semesters. (Students must audition to participate in the Honors Chorus.) If your student participates in Band or Honors Chorus, he/she will also take one semester of PE and one semester of our other available related arts classes. If your child does not participate in Band or Honors Chorus, he/she will take four related arts classes each year. We do our best to accommodate your child’s interests.
- Our student handbook is published on our website under “Students.” This handbook is a comprehensive list of our policies and procedures. We ask that you and your child review it together. All of our school rules are consistently enforced.
- Students must see the nurse if sick enough to go home.
- Students may not ride a different bus to go home with a friend, except in rare cases as a babysitter request and then only with advance approval from the transportation department.
- Please pick up your child from all extra-curricular school events on time.
- Students may participate on our sports teams in 7th and 8th grade. You will find more information on The SC High School League governs our sports programs.
- We have a fantastic PTO and a Booster Club. More information can be found on our website.
- Dress Code can be found below.
- Lost and Found items are donated to Goodwill in Fort Mill at the end of each month if we can’t return it. If you put your child’s name on clothing, lunchboxes, etc. it will be returned to your child! Please have them check the stage in the gym for any items they may be missing.
We are going to have a great year!
Math transition from 6th to 7th grade
Math transition from 7th to 8th grade
Fort Mill School Board Policy: JICA Student Dress/Uniforms
Issued 1/20 Purpose: Adopted prior to 1975; Revised 3/6/86, 6/21/99, 1/21/14, 5/16/17, 1/21/20
Purpose: To establish the basic structure for determining appropriate dress standards for students.
Although the responsibility for the dress and appearance of students rests with each student and his/her parent/legal guardian, students are expected to show pride in themselves and their schools by having their dress and appearance in accordance with good acceptable standards. The school administration and board discourage extreme styles of dress and grooming.
- Students will dress in appropriate attire. Students are expected to dress in clothing that abides the district dress code policy. Logos or clothing that promotes alcohol, drugs, tobacco, racism, hate, gang affiliation, nudity, violence or profanity is not allowed. No clothing or accessories are allowed to disrupt the educational process. The administration reserves the right to determine what is appropriate for school.
- Dress code violations will be handled with dignity, discretion and respect toward all students by school staff members throughout the district.
- The school board may establish such administrative rules and procedures as necessary to enforce this policy.
In addition, the Springfield Middle School Dress Code guidelines are:
- Proper shoes must be worn at all times for safety reasons. Shoes with cleats may not be worn outside of sanctioned athletic events.
- Students may wear shorts, dresses, skirts, etc. whose length is no shorter than the mid-thigh. Tops must be long enough that they can be tucked into pants or shorts. No headwear (hats, caps, hoods, etc.) or sunglasses may be worn in the building by students upon arrival and until dismissal.
- The following items are not appropriate for school: undergarments that are visible, pants or jeans with holes, tears, or tattered to the extent that skin or undergarments are visible above the mid-thigh, see-through garments showing skin or undergarments above the mid-thigh, and tops with straps that are less than 3-fingers wide.
- If there is a disagreement between students and/or parents/legal guardians and the staff regarding the appropriateness of clothing, the administration will use discretion to make the decision. Disciplinary action regarding the enforcement of this policy is listed below.
- Violations will result in the following:
- if violation can be resolved in a timely manner, student will remain/return to class without further disciplinary action
- if there are three (3) unresolved offenses/violations, all subsequent violations will require parent conference and detention
- In all offense levels, if the article of clothing promotes extreme offenses such as acts of violence, profanity, nudity, hate-filled language, or other conditions presenting a potential disruption to the learning environment, then the student may be sent to ISS until suitable clothing is brought to the school.
Spirit Rock
Springfield Middle has THREE Spirit Rocks!
What is a Spirit Rock?
Our spirit rock is a wonderful way to celebrate birthdays, accomplishments, upcoming school events, well wishes or congratulatory messages.
- 100% of proceeds from the spirit rocks go to school programs.
- Available for rent through the last full week of school. We don’t rent the rock during the summer or during holidays.
- SMS reserves the right to block dates for school use.
- Daily rental begins at 4 PM the day before to 4 PM the day of rock rental.
- You may paint the rock anytime after 4 pm the day BEFORE your reservation date. (i.e. If you rent on May 2, you can paint after 4 pm on May 1 and the message is guaranteed to remain up until 4 pm on May 2.)
- Rental is on a first come, first served basis, and must be paid at time of Sign Up.
- You may paint rain or shine.
- Renter is responsible for providing supplies and painting the rock.
- Keep areas around SMS rocks clean and neat during your rental period.
- No profane words, symbols or any derogatory or offensive messages will be permitted. We reserve the right to paint over inappropriate text and/or pictures on the rock.
PLEASE NOTE - If you are planning to decorate the rock, you need to pick your rock, book your date and pay online (fee will be made available in $PayFees within 24 hours of booking.) The cost of the reservation for the large rock is $10 or $5 for small rock. We have three rocks available separately for rent, one large and one small in the car rider line and one large in the bus rider line.